You Need These Septic Tank Blocks In South Africa

loo block for septic tank

How to clean a toilet that is connected to a septic tank

So you have a septic tank. In a previous post I explained how septic tanks work. Now you might be asking how to keep the toilets that are connected to your septic tank, clean.


This first rule is never to use anything that calls itself antiseptic or antibacterial. Switch over to a product that does not kill bacteria, because bacteria are your friends in a septic tank.


We recommend that you spray your toilet inside and out with SURFACE. Scrub the inside with a toilet brush. Wipe the outside down with a damp microfiber cloth.


As a last touch, drop a FLUSH into the cistern.

What? A loo block that is septic tank friendly?

FLUSH keeps any toilet hygienic and fresh. What is so remarkable about FLUSH however, is that it can be used in toilets connected to septic tanks too!


Nothing inside FLUSH harms the delicate balance of microbes in your tank. To the contrary, every time you flush your toilet, loads of good bacteria that are necessary for your tank’s functioning, gets washed into your tank.


FLUSH is also fantastic at regulating bad smells. Need we say more?


Simply remove the paper wrapper and drop into the cistern of your toilet.

Save money and create less waste

Did you notice that we now offer FLUSH in packs of ten? The cistern blocks are not individually wrapped, so you do not have to throw ‘away’ so much packaging if you choose this option. 

You also save because you pay only for nine! 

In my next post I will let you in on a little secret on how to let your FLUSH last even longer!


Your septic tank should not stink. Try this now!

how does septic tank work

How does a septic tank work?

We get this question more and more often as people in South Africa move over to septic tanks, either because they are far from services like on farms and reserves, or because they are going off the grid.

A septic tank is a mini sewage treatment plant that works right in your backyard. Here’s how it works:

  1. Waste Collection: All the waste water from your home (from toilets, showers, sinks, etc.) goes into the septic tank.
  2. Separation: Inside the tank, the waste gets separated. The heavy stuff (called sludge) sinks to the bottom. Oil and grease float to the top as scum, and the partially cleaned water (or effluent) stays in the middle.
  3. Breakdown: Bacteria in the tank start to break down the sludge and scum. This process is called anaerobic digestion.
  4. Discharge: The partially cleaned water in the middle layer flows out into a drain field. This is a network of perforated pipes buried in gravel-filled trenches.
  5. Final Treatment: As the water seeps through the gravel and into the soil, it gets further cleaned before it reaches the groundwater.

Did you say bacteria?

Yes. In your septic system, bacteria are your friends. A stinky septic tank might be a sign of a dead septic tank. 

Try this now:

  1. Throw out any product that says anti-bacterial. You don’t want to kill the bacteria in your tank. They are helping you by digesting the scum and sludge.
  2. Start using products that include good bacteria. In this way, you are adding good bacteria to your tank regularly. All Mrs Martin’s products contain good South African bacteria! Have a look here.
  3. Apply a septic tank treatment that is full of beneficial bacteria. You may use a large amount initially to get things going, but thereafter use small doses regularly. Bacteria thrive when applied regularly, in small doses. A fantastic septic tank treatment to try today is Mrs Martin’s TANK&DRAIN.

Any questions? Let us know!

We love to hear from our clients.

Best regards

Washing a floor is a skill. Grab the mop and do it!

How to wash a floor

How does one wash a floor? I was over eighteen the first time I washed a floor. Can you believe it? I remember early in my first year at TUKS telling my friend Kholofelo I had never washed a floor before. She was flabbergasted. Her reaction made me realise that there was a part of life I had up to then not participated in. The next weekend at home I took a bucket and a mop and washed the kitchen floor. It wasn’t horrible. It wasn’t terrific. But it resulted in a clean floor and I could say I’d washed a floor. I felt enabled.

The reason I missed out on all those life skills of course is that mine was a traditional South African middle class family of the eighties. We had a sleep in maid most of the time. The maid always washed the floors!

I started late but I’m an expert by now

Well, I am forty-five now and for most of my adult life I have done the cleaning myself. No-one can count how many times I have washed floors. In fact, I am quite a pro. I can even write a blog about my preferences. 

  • I hate traditional mops. They stink. And all they do is slop dirty water around on the floor.
  • I hate dipping my mop into a bucket of dirty water. I cannot imagine dirty water cleaning anything.
  • I dislike wax based detergents that promise to clean and polish your floor at the same time. They cause wax build up that eventually discolours and then your grouting is permanently dirty!

First, the traditional way

If you do not mind the bucket method, here is how to do it: Pour roughly four litres of clean water into your bucket. Add 2 tablespoons of Mrs Martin’s FLOOR Ready To Use soap into the bucket. Dip your mop and start cleaning! (Remember, our FLOOR Concentrate is very strong. Do not pour concentrate into the bucket or your solution will be stronger than necessary. Two tablespoons of RTU is really strong enough.)

How to wash a floor the Mrs Martin’s way

My method? I like a broad, flat microfiber mop. I spray our very own FLOOR onto the floor, neat. Do not overdo it. One spray per m2 should be enough. I wipe it off with a damp microfibre mop. Then I rinse the mop in clean water (normally running water at the bath or whichever tap is closest at the moment) and repeat until the job is done. The next time I go over the floor with water only. This way I know the microbes are on the floor long enough to do their job, and the soap is eventually rinsed off. Not that leaving it on the floor would be a problem, really. FLOOR does not contain anything that could build up.

And my kids help. I will not let them turn 18 before washing a floor! Washing floors is as much a part of life as brushing your teeth and I will teach them how to do it. I will resist the notion that certain mundane skills are not important to learn because someone else will do it. Any skill enables. And being able to just ‘get on with it’ is priceless too.

Still, my house is only ever spotless two minutes before guests arrive. Even with help. Please tell me I am not alone?

Till then

How to get rid of that terrible pet urine smell

cat lying on carpet next to puddle of urine

Pet urine smell? HELP!

If you own pets, you have been there. Cats and dogs pee on your carpets, no matter how well you train them. Puppies can make a mess but we feel cat wee stinks the most… who agrees?

When a pet wees (or poops!) on a carpet or other porous surface, you can wipe all you want, you will not get all the filth out. That little bit of urine or poop that is left, contains bacteria and these cause the bad smell.

So how do you get rid of the stink?

Mrs Martin’s FLOOR cleans all types of floors without leaving residue or fumes that will harm your fur baby. The microbes inside clean very deeply, and sorts out bad smells at the root. Mrs Martin’s PERSIAN does the same for carpets.

Mrs Martin’s ODOUR can be sprayed onto any surface or textile, and does not need to be rinsed off. The fragrance is safe for your four-legged friend, and the microbes destroy all traces of bad smells. (Did you know that ODOUR was designed for this?)

How to clean up where the cat peed:

1. Clean the accident site as well as you can with a strong solution of FLOOR and water, and a sponge. If the slip up happened on a carpet, use PERSIAN foam. Do not wet the carpet too much, because damp amplifies the smell.

2. Spray with ODOUR twice a day for at least a week. Small doses regularly work best. ODOUR contains friendly microbes that eat and crowd out the stink producing bacteria, so you are treating the problem at its roots.

This solution works so well that it often inhibits dogs from going back to the same spot.

If it still stinks?

In severe cases a deep clean of the carpet may be necessary. Consider using experts such as Clean For Sure in such cases.

Antibiotics save lives… and destroy your microbiome.

antibiotics destroy microbiome

Antibiotics destroy your microbiome because they cannot discriminate between good and bad bacteria. They just kill them all.

When Alexander Fleming discovered antibiotics in 1928, the number of deaths from infection went down rapidly. It was a breakthrough discovery that saves lives to this day.

Unfortunately, antibiotics also get misused. It should be used to cure life threatening infection, but many people today take it for anything from a cough to an itch. If you do this, you destroy your microbiome to get relief from minor inconveniences.

Gut microbiome?

Every single person has a unique mix of microbes that live in and on his body. It is called your microbiome. This mix of bacteria, viruses and fungi creates a microbial fingerprint of sorts, and gives you all kinds of health benefits such as creating vitamins and anti-inflammatories and neurotransmitters.

When you take antibiotics, the medicine does not choose which microbes to kill. It kills the pathogens AND all the good bacteria in your gut. Harming these old friends make you less healthy.

If your life is at risk, take antibiotics for sure. If not, antibiotics might be doing more harm than good.

Home microbiome?

In the very same way, antibiotics destroy the microbiome in your home. Your home has a unique mix of microbes that helps you stay healthy. For example, the microbiome in your home helps train the immune systems of your children. Infants who grow up in extremely clean homes, seem to get more asthma and allergies (read more here and here).

This does not mean your home should be filthy. We also know washing hands and cleaning surfaces help you not get sick. Proper hygiene is very important.

So while you want to keep your home free from harmful microbes, you absolutely DO NOT want to kill the good ones. What are you to do?

Stay away from antibiotics in your home. Choose probiotics instead!

Use cleaning products that add the good bacteria! Stay away from products that claim to be anti-septic or ‘kill 99,9% of germs’. These products do not help you stay more healthy (in 2016 for example, the FDA stated that washing with antibacterial hand soap hadn’t proven to be any more effective than washing your hands with ordinary soap and water.) If you keep your home microbiome healthy, the friendly bacteria are more than the harmful bacteria. Your old friends crowd out and devour any bad bacteria that might land on the kitchen counter. This means you have a much safer, healthier home!

Our products do not contain any chemicals that kill germs. This is great news for your home microbiome. We do include spores of good bacteria, and these sort out the bad guys on a microscopic level.

Now that’s responsible, INTELLIGENT and safe for you!

How to give your persian carpet a surface clean

How to clean your persian carpet at home? Don’t get it too wet, and use the correct soap.

Your persian carpet is a investment and you don’t want to ruin it. But it does need cleaning now and again.

A good deep clean is recommended about once a year. Use professional carpet cleaners like Clean For Sure for that. They use Mrs Martin’s PERSIAN, and excellent carpet shampoo, and machines that can extract the water and the soap so the carpet does not stay wet for long.

What if I cannot take it to the professionals?

As long as you do not wet your carpet too much, you can give it a good surface clean at home. Here is what Martin from Clean For Sure recommends:

Prepare the carpet

Turn carpet upside down so that the base faces up. Then shake the carpet on all four sides for two minutes each. This will help loosen dirt trapped in knots at the base.

Lift carpet and clear the dust and soil that was shaken out. Now place carpet right side up and vacuum for at least ten minutes.

Use a fine hand brush to brush the carpet in the direction of the pile (the ‘grain’). Never brush in the opposite direction, against the pile. Repeat vacuuming as in step 2.

Rinse your brush under tap and allow to sundry as you will use it again in step 7.

Prepare the soap

Pour exactly 3.5ℓ cold tap water into a bucket. Add 5ml of Mrs Martin’s PERSIAN carpet shampoo. DO NOT EXCEED THE DOSE AS IT MAY DAMAGE YOUR CARPET

Agitate vigorously to create as much foam as possible.

Soak the sponge provided in the soapy water, and pump it several times to create froth on and in the sponge.

Clean the carpet

When the sponge is saturated with foam, wipe the Persian carpet in the direction of the pile or ‘with the grain’, in long strokes from one side to the other. Usually this will mean from one short end to the other. In the case on a large carpet, clean it in sections. DO NOT SOAK THE CARPET AS IT MAY DAMAGE YOUR PERSIAN PERMANENTLY.

Lay the carpet on a clean, flat surface to sun dry for at least 6 hours.

When the carpet is completely dry, use the brush provided to brush the carpet a last time in order to soften the pile again. Do not vacuum your Persian for at least 48 hours after a surface clean.

There you go! Remember this is only a surface clean of your Persian and not a deep clean. Deep cleaning should only be done by a professional carpet cleaning company.

How to use our wish list

Mrs Martin’s wish list makes it easy to keep track of your favourite products.

Recently one of our clients mentioned that she would love the option to make a wish list on our site. This way she would not need to wade through the whole site every time she wanted to make a purchase. She could simply visit her wish list, add to cart what she wanted, and check out.

So we built it. You can now add products to your Mrs Martin’s wish list on our website!

Here is how the wish list works

First, create an account for yourself on (look for the My Account tab at the top of the page) and log in.

Then find the product you want to add to your list. Click on the heart underneath the desired product. It will now be added to your wish list, and it will stay there until you remove it whenever it suits you.

mrs martin's wish list

When you want to view your wish list, simply click on the heart at the top right hand of your screen.

where to find mrs martin's wish list

The fantastic thing is that you now have all your favourite products in one place. Simply choose which you want to add to cart, and you are good to check out!

You can also share your wishlist to Facebook, or send it to a friend on Whatsapp just before your birthday (;)) Who knows? Perhaps someone out there will get the hint.

Or turn it around! Ask your friend to create a wish list before her birthday and to share it with you, and then you get her some of her favourite products. The possibilities are endless.

I hope this makes your shopping experience even more enjoyable. Let me know how you have used Mrs Martin’s wish list.

Until next time

Five fantastic things about FLOOR you probably didn’t know.

best floor cleaner

The best floor cleaner in South Africa is strong, yet allergy friendly and pet friendly. It is Mrs Martin’s FLOOR!

In South Africa we wash a lot of floors. We live outside and do not have the habit of taking off our shoes when we go inside.

End result? We constantly have to quick mop our floors!

That might be part of the reason that FLOOR is one of our bestsellers. Here are five fantastic things you probably did not know about Mrs Martin’s FLOOR.

1. FLOOR can be sprayed neat onto the floor, or further diluted in a bucket of water. 

The easiest way to use Ready To Use FLOOR is to spray roughly one spray per m2, then go over with a damp microfibre mop to rinse off the soap, then with a dry microfibre to make it shine. If you prefer the bucket method, you can pour 30ml of the Ready To Use FLOOR into your 3l bucket and mop as usual.

2. FLOOR is a soap – remember to rinse.

With rinse we mean go over the floor with a damp microfibre mop. If you do not rinse, the left over soap will make the floor dull.

3. FLOOR is strong – use less.

Even the Ready To Use FLOOR is quite strong. If you use too much, you have to work extra hard to rinse it off. Rather use less and work less!

4. FLOOR can be used as a multipurpose cleaner.

If you are a one bottle person, FLOOR is your product. It was designed for medium duty cleaning. It has some degreasing action and it has anti streaking properties so you do not need to buff too much. 

5. FLOOR cleans waste water

The probiotics in the soap actually keep on cleaning long after you wrung out your mop. They clean drains and pipes (and mops!) so bad odours become something of the past. They also start the water treatment process right away, lightening the burden on the sewage treatment plants, which are not coping well in this country. That is why we call Mrs Martin’s FLOOR the best floor cleaner in South Africa. It helps clean our precious water!

Three Ways to Save Money on Couriers

save on couriers

How can you get hold of your favourite Mrs Martin’s products AND save on couriers?

At Mrs Martin’s we have kept our delivery fee the same since 2022. As a brand that sells mainly online, courier fees influence each and every aspect of our business. In recent years fuel prices are at a record high, and courier fees rise multiple times a year. Just yesterday, 1 September 2024, courier fees went up again.

It is very convenient to have product delivered right to your door, right? But that does cost money.

In reality there is no such thing as free shipping. No courier works for nothing. When you order over R900, we call it ‘free shipping’, but in actual fact it is just free for you, the buyer. We, the seller, pay full price. We do so gladly, because we really apprectiate your business.

So in order NOT to pay extra for courier fees, your aim should always be to order for more than R900. That is a lot of money. Perhaps even more soap than you need. How now?

Order in bulk

Did you know that using our concentrate and refill options are more economical by far? Take the savings even further by ordering enough to last you three months. That should bring your order to a total above the free shipping threshold, which means you save on couriers.

Create a delivery ‘lift club’

Convince your responsible friends or family to order together! Decide on a date by which everyone must let you know what they want or the month, and order everyones products in one go. Give one delivery address and collect your products from there when they arrive. No extra courier fee!

Ask your local sustainable living store to stock us

We would love to be in every shop in South Africa! Approach the shop you love to support, and ask them to contact me. Who knows, perhaps we can strike a deal and have your favourite products on their shelves in no time. Since you visit that shop anyway, it would cost you nothing more to get a hold of our products.

In a way, having to think about one’s courier fees actually makes one more responsible as a consumer. Instead of sending the couriers every month for smaller orders, one plans now and sends the courier once in three months, for example. That creates far less carbon emissions and makes the foorprint of our product smaller.

Thank you for being on this journey with us. We look forward to packing your next order!


How to choose the best soap for camping

What is the best soap for camping in South Africa?

You want to explore one of the fantastic campsites or hiking trails in South Africa, and you are looking for the best soap to take along. When you camp, there is a lot of dirt. Think sweaty socks, greasy braai and muddy pants. Soap helps the water get the dirt off. 

Even when we camp or hike, we need soap. And somehow when we are that close to nature, it seems easier for us to realise that whatever soap we use, actually ends up in rivers. We certainly want to do no harm. What are the things to look out for when you choose your soap for the great outdoors?

Safe ingredients

The best soap for camping does not contain anything that harms life. Any soap that kills 99.9% of germs, also kills good bacteria in water and soil, and possibly insects and marine life. We never need anti-bacterial soap (except for the surgeons among us) but on a hike, it can do real damage. Choose soap with fewer, safe ingredients.

Readily biodegradable

The best soap for camping needs to be readily biodegradable. Biodegradable is not enough. A jumbo jet is biodegradable if you give it enough time. Your soap should be readily biodegradable, which means every single ingredient will completely biodegrade in less than 28 days. There is a test for this (OECD301) so make sure it is not something the soap claims but cannot back up.

Sustainable packaging

Also think about the packaging. Of course you will not litter, but if a lion gets hold of your dish soap (like what happened here!) or your shampoo drops into the ocean by accident, it will feel a lot better on the conscience if you know the packaging will biodegrade faster than plastic.

If your soap for camping ticks all these boxes, it should be safe for our beautiful rivers as well as for all the wildlife that is fed by it. And you will feel great knowing that you are doing no harm. 

We’d love to hear your camping stories! Tell us on Instagram or Facebook.

Until next time!